Friday 25 March 2011


HI I was reading this blog about art and the name of the blog was called denver 6-12 art.I liked this blog because it told me alot about art and was very interesting! I also liked it because it had pictures of models and things people had made and has given me ideas about what i could make or draw.

I like this picture of a tiger and think that it took time and alot of effort and thats what i should do when I am drawing.

Tuesday 22 March 2011

my slide about easter and rabbits

Hello, i hope you enjoy watching this video about easter and rabbits it is cool but im not sure whether it has music to it or not hope you enjoy it !


Tuesday 15 March 2011

Tsunami in Japan

Japan Tsunami
I am devastated about the Japan Tsunami
I cannot believe what happened and things like that actually happens to people and i think that i am so lucky to have what i have got and it tells me to appreciate and respect the people around me because i am lucky not to be in Japan suffering like the people and children there that cannot have a nice life because they must always be scared incase a tsunami comes and it also must be horrible because some people die and then it makes me think that peoples parents or grandparents or even children are dieing when they shouldnt be because they respect and appreciate what they have even if its only a little .  

in the summer holidays

In the summer holidays i would like to go to barcelona because it sounds like a beautiful place and i would love to go there

If i cant go to barcelona i would like to go and see my uncle who lives in wales for a week and after that i would like to go bowling or cinema beacuse its nice to go out for the day as a family

I like the summer holidays alot because its a nice break from going to school all the time.

Tuesday 8 March 2011

 i chose these pictures because i love puppies and i think there very cute, i also love dogs but i find puppies more adorable some of the pictures looked like my grandads puppy that is a staff. but i thought this was a cuter picture. 
this picture is of two little puppies playing and i chose it because i could not resist it.
my grandad has got a puppy about two weeks ago and he called him freddie, freddie is very playful and cheeky he  is about 11 weeks old  and is a pure staff, he is gorgeous and mischevious

he always wants comfort and love and he likes to sit and stay with everyone and i hope he stays that way

Wednesday 2 March 2011

All about me

Hello im chloe and my blog title is all about dogs because i love them soooooooooo much!
I hope you enjoy reading my blog and looking at it, i will be writig lots and lots about dogs on here, i know alot about dogs because i have my own dog and love him to bits.